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Fiona storm impact in the Caribbean and the Atlantic


We want to dedicate this space to bring awareness regarding the Fiona storm, and what it has left behind during its trajectory. Let us put our part, helping each other, and being part of our communities, moving forward with positive outcomes. 

Photo by "unknown" source. Puerto Rico

The impact of the Fiona storm has reached many regions. It was not only a powerful tropical storm, but also able to take advantage of the cold waters, becoming one of the biggest storm systems able to do so. It caused widespread damage over the Caribbean and the Eastern of Canada.

Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos and other Caribbean nations, as well as Canada (Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, PEI) suffered from the impact of such a strong system. This storm has left:

  • At least twenty-one (21) deaths confirmed throughout the Caribbean and Canada
  • Many have lost their properties, as the land and houses’ foundation caved to the amount of water and strong winds
  • Many are suffering from the lack of water and electricity
  • Bridges blockage, preventing from people to move freely
  • Food and water much needed
  • The lack of medicine and the need of medical attention for those that have been:
    • Injured
    • Or that needed assistance from before, but they are prevented to reach to hospital facilities

Republica Dominicana Fiona Rio Chavon - photo by Ricardo Roja

Rio Chavon in Dominican Republic

Fiona Tropical System impacting the east side of Dominican Republic. This is a look at Chavon River. Photo by Ricardo Roja

There are many ways to help, but here are some ideas:

  • Awareness. Use your digital, and social, platforms for bringing attention to others. You could help propagate the different ways to help those in need within the regions that have been impacted by the storm
  • Lending a hand. Those closer to the community with availability and proper training. The power of the community is amazing when it comes together for something good. An example can be that If trees are in the way, within your neighborhood, then come together to help with clearing the way
    • Of course, safety first, if there are electric wires and things that can harm you then avoid putting yourself (and your loved ones) in danger and leave it to the professionals
  • Food, water, and medicine (basic and over the counter) donation
  • For those in the Caribbean, there are local and international trusted organizations that you can donate to
  • For Canadians, there are many organizations, such as the Canadian Red Cross that are currently receiving donations in order to assist Canadians that have been significantly impacted by this storm



Fiona Hurricane impacting Eastern Canada. Photo by Pauline Billard.

Republica Dominicana Fiona impact - car under water

Dominican Republic - Floods

A car is under water due to the heavy rains. Photo source "unknown"

Puerto Rico - Fiona Hurricane - Alejandro Granadillo

Puerto Rico - Impacted by Fiona

Puerto Rico was heavily impacted by the storm. Photo by Alejandro Granadillo


Fiona Hurricane impacting Eastern Canada. Photo by Pauline Billard.

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