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Your platform as a positive force in the world


If you are managing a platform, even if it is small, then you are leveraging one of the elements and popular channels used to build digital communities. These platforms, and channels, can come in the shape of websites, blogs, mobile apps, podcasts, vlogs, social media, or a combination of the ones mentioned.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels


There are many reasons for building a community, such as sharing knowledge, promoting businesses, branding, the need for engaging with others, etc.

However as Spiderman’s Uncle Ben said: “With great power comes great responsibility.”

If you like to build better communities with more collaboration and less silos then how would you do it? How can communities come together to drive a “positive force”?

The current world is mired in conflicts. How long are we willing to go on in such disarray? All the continents are in some kind of “a demonstration of partisanship, intolerance and selfishness”. There are nations in the Americas, Africa, Middle East, and others that have been in conflicts for years. Most recently, the world is experiencing a war in Europe - one that perhaps the world has not seen since WWII.

How can communities come together to drive a “positive force”?

Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

Our planet is also getting impacted by the reckless behaviour of humanity. Our actions are accelerating the natural process of change of our planet, to the point that with the rise in temperatures the world continues to provide evidence, via the increased numbers of natural disasters. The following natural disasters are a prelude to the dire future that awaits us if we do not change:

  • The melting of our cooling system (the ice caps in the poles) that’s resulting in the  rise of the sea level
  • The proliferation of drought and forest fires
  • The increase in hurricane, tropical storms and winter blizzards
  • Illness

Our planet is also getting impacted by the reckless behaviour of humanity. Our actions are accelerating the natural process of change of our planet, to the point that with the rise in temperatures the world continues to provide evidence, via the increased numbers of natural disasters.

Photo by Luis del Río from Pexels


This is not to scare you, but to serve you as a reminder. Humans are creative beings. Humans like to solve problems, therefore what better problem to solve than “building a better world together, and without conflicts”. This is a reminder that we can do better. As long as there is one person that is willing to do a good deed then there is hope for building better communities.

There is a saying that goes like this: “for every one (1) negative deed, you have to do five (5) positive ones.” As you can see there is a 5:1 ratio.

For those individuals reading this blog, we hope that we have inspired you over the years to carry out small, good deeds that can change the conversation, that can change our communities for the better.

Hence for those groups (small, medium, or big) running any type of digital platform I want to provide you five (5) ideas to create positive change in our world:

  1. To support at least 1 “good deed” as part of your platform, and as part of your company’s (or teams’) goals and culture
  2. To have a voice (a set of sponsors/leaders), within your leadership, for awareness of the good deed(s). This is based on honesty, and not for raising the platform’s awareness for profit purposes. This is not for publicity, but for contributing to communities’ with valuable deliverables. This is bigger than your platform and/or company. The support for building a better world for us and our next generation is always the best investment
  3. To collaborate with like minded people to bring about positive change. There are many organisations  that supports good deeds and you are stronger in numbers than as an individual
  4. To donate. There are many legitimate global organisations out there doing great work, such as RedCross, Ocean Cleanup, World Wildlife (WWF), UNICEF, and many others. There are also many ways to donate locally to hospitals, schools, diversity and inclusion causes, etc.
  5. To educate our fellow citizens with truthful and fact based information. Do not promote disinformation. You have a moral duty to provide correct information, in order to contribute to the order of things and to help inspire others on delivering positive change

In conclusion those of us who manage public platforms have the opportunity to bring about positive change in a world mired with conflicts and only by working together and supporting like minded people can we create a better world for us and our future generation. 

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