You have probably read that one of the many good things about OKRs is that it provides structure and clarity to work towards common goals. It helps connect company, teams and individuals’ objectives to measurable results. Photo by Garreth Brown via Pexels In a previous Beolle article, Herak wrote about HOSKR and OKRs. In this iteration we will focus on the OKR scoring. Measuring the “How” The KRs in OKRs are the Key Results. With them we measure the progress towards the Objectives we have set. So how do we score them in a way that makes sense, and measure the success? Few “gotchas” before we start Grades are an indication where you're going. In OKRs, scoring between .6 to .7 is your target. Scores between .8 and 1.0 are rare, meaning they are not the usual. If you find yourself completing all your OKRs within this range then something is not correct, for example, your Objectives are not Ambitious enough, meaning you always knew you (or your company or your team) were going to ach...