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Showing posts from December, 2022

AI bias

Objectivity can be challenging. Machines are not shielded from this by any means. As humans we are leveraging technology in a progressive manner, making our lives easier, becoming an extension of ourselves in our day-to-day existence. By trying to simplify things, complexity creeps in (it is ironic, I know!), and as we try to create something for the good, very often it can be used to go against the principle upon why they were created in the first place.   Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexel Therefore, as creators of this technology, usually with the best intentions, it is understandable when model predictions become susceptible to bias. Those in charge of building the models need to be aware of the common human biases that will find their way into the data used, allowing them to take proactive mitigation steps. To help remove those biases then we need to have structure. A framework that allows us to build AI systems in an ethical manner that can benefit our communities. AI ethics...

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