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Showing posts from March, 2022

Your platform as a positive force in the world

If you are managing a platform, even if it is small, then you are leveraging one of the elements and popular channels used to build digital communities. These platforms, and channels, can come in the shape of websites, blogs, mobile apps, podcasts, vlogs, social media, or a combination of the ones mentioned. Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels   There are many reasons for building a community, such as sharing knowledge, promoting businesses, branding, the need for engaging with others, etc. However as Spiderman’s Uncle Ben said: “With great power comes great responsibility.” If you like to build better communities with more collaboration and less silos then how would you do it? How can communities come together to drive a “ positive force ”? The current world is mired in conflicts. How long are we willing to go on in such disarray? All the continents are in some kind of “a demonstration of partisanship, intolerance and selfishness”. There are nations in the Americas, Africa, M...

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