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ASPNet MVC4 with Javascript Framework Libraries for SPA


As I walk my way through projects and land on MVVM I become more curious about it by the minute. Working with an AngularJS project it made me want to learn and use more this technology every time it suits.

So far you can see a lot of CMSs using MVC pattern. To mention a few using MVC.Net:
  • Sitecore 7 (powerful CMS, started as WebForms, and now is incorporating a MVC option to their solutions.)
  • Umbraco 4.10 (Open Source with a strong community behind it. Also if you need Tech Support service as a service take a look at the product page)
  • Orchard (Open Source.)
  • Pirahna (Open Source.)
  • N2 (Open Source.)

And I’m not mentioning here CMSs outside the Microsoft world.

But, putting Silverlight aside I started to look into more about MVVM and scenarios were it fits like SPA (Single Page Apps). I ended up finding JS Frameworks that I wanted to put my hands on, bunch of tools that now you can get them integrated to MVC.Net projects as templates that you can find in Visual Studio. Here is the list:
-    Breeze
-    Knockout 
-    I wanted to keep learning more about AngularJS
-    Durandal

You can find my research (so far) in the sections below. I hope you find it beneficial. As I continue with my demo/prototype with the different templates I hope I can get the time to keep sharing my findings with you:

Additional reading references: 
Also here is an interesting read about AngularJS vs Durandal, in case you find yourself in that dilemma:

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