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Showing posts from July, 2022

AWS Lambda and containers

Did you know that you can package and deploy containerized AWS Lambda functions? This capability was introduced in 2019. Amazon AWS also provides base images in Python, Nodes, Java, .Net, and other supported runtimes. Photo by Tom Fisk from Pexels There are prerequisites and limitations which you can take a deeper dive in this article from AWS documentation. In general, consider Lambda for event-driven applications, meaning for solutions that are not continuously running.The AWS Lambda container approach supports: Consistency in the set of tools used for the Lambda-based applications Your image can be up to 10 GB You get the same benefits as the function packages, such as familiar container tooling, automatic scaling, high availability, and others There are existing base images for Lambda, available on ECR public and Docker hub that you can leverage In addition, AWS has made available a set of packages  that implement the Lambda Runtime API, allowing developers to seamlessly exten...

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