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Showing posts from July, 2019

Takeaways from Satya Nadella's Hit Refresh

source: Like many of you, I have used Microsoft’s products for a long time. Windows was the first operating system I used. I myself started using Windows even before I knew what operating systems were. Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint were the first few applications I learned to use as part of my computer literacy. Similarly MSN (those of you who still remember it) and hotmail were the first chat and email accounts I used. However, a few years ago after numerous bad experiences with Windows Operating Systems (OS) including the infamous Windows Vista and my increasing admiration of Apple products, like the iPhone and iPod, I finally bought a Macbook Pro. Consequently I started using Apple’s productivity suite of Pages, Numbers and Keynote for my personal use. However, I still continued to rely on Windows OS and Microsoft Applications at work. This is because most of the companies I worked for continued to rely heavily on Micr...

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