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Showing posts from April, 2019


Driving Digital Strategy The book " Driving Digital Strategy ", by Sunil Gupta , came at the right time as I have been studying many aspects of the business transformation and the disruption that is happening across the different industries. In this era, as a company leaders, just doing what brought you to this present, not embracing change, not renewing yourself, and important aspects of your business; is an indication that your ego, or comfort, or your fear to change, is not allowing you to move forward... and that potentially will be the "end". That "end" can come in one year, two... perhaps five years... but make no mistake, it is coming. The introduction of this book have key notes that I found extremely relevant to my current research. One of them being the following: "The leaders who achieve 'transformative' results go all-in on digital. That is they don't treat digital strategy as separate from their overall strategy. ...

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