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Showing posts from December, 2015

Designing Habit Forming Mobile Application

Mobile Applications have become an integral part of our daily lives - we use mobile apps as alarm clocks to wake us up in the morning, to create to do lists when we start our day, to communicate with our colleagues at work via apps like Skype. We even check reviews of restaurants to visit on apps like Yelp and we seek entertainment on apps like Netflix and spotify. So what drives us to use these apps so seamlessly in our daily lives? Why we prefer some apps over others? Is there a science behind designing successful mobile apps like Facebook?  Photo by Peter C from Pexels A study in US revealed that a user between the age of 18 and 44 visits the Facebook app on average 14 times a day [1]. This shows that using the Facebook app is a daily routine for many of its users. This makes Facebook a great example of a habit forming mobile app which is designed with human psychology in mind that encourages habit forming behavior in its users .   I recently attended a seminar ...

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