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Showing posts from June, 2015

The Creative Process

By: Herak Sikder I still remember the day I watched “ Finding Nemo ” for the first time. I was feeling bored and wanted to watch something to pass my time. I assumed Finding Nemo to be one of those animated movies that you just watch once and then forget. But soon after I started watching the movie I was totally absorbed by its storyline. It almost felt like I was watching a real life story unfolding in front of my eyes and all the characters seemed to come alive. That was the first time I experienced the movie making magic of Pixar and till this date Pixar movies have not failed to amaze me whether it’s Toy Story, Cars, Monsters Inc., Ratatouille, Up, Wall-e and many more. So I was really excited when I found out that ED Catmull , one of the cofounders of Pixar released his book. I picked up the book from Indigo upon it’s release and I was wasn’t disappointed. Ed tackles a lot of common issues that plagues successful organizations as they expand fast and lose their innov...

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